Ancillary and Incidental Buildings

For most these terms ‘Ancillary and ‘Incidental’ are unfamiliar and not used frequently at all.However, when it comes to Annexe building, there is a crucial difference between the two in termsof planning. We hope that NAPC can provide some clarification on the subject. From many reports and research, garden buildings and annexes have never been […]
When will my garden room require planning permission?

In some instances garden rooms and similar buildings can fall into Permitted Development, sotherefore do not require planning permission, however not all cases are like this.These are the factors to consider as it may determine whether planning permission is required.Consider: Will it occupy no more than 50% of the available space around your house What […]
Frequently Asked Questions About Granny Annexe Planning

To make life a little simpler, we have complied a list of frequently asked questions when it comesdown to building a Granny Annexe within your garden. 1. If I want sleeping accommodation in my Granny Annexe, do I require planning permission? Essentially once sleeping accommodation comes into play, your building no longer falls into thecategory […]
Inheritance tax and how to arrange your legacy

Want to pass your assets on to family and friends rather than the taxman? You’re not alone. Many of us wish to ensure that those who are important to us are well provided for – and hate the idea that too much of our hard-earned savings and family possessions should go to HMRC. That’s why […]
Finding a suitable home for elderly relatives – the choices

There’s a time in life when we must all face up to an unwelcome truth. We’re not as young as we used to be. As well as coping with those typical medical issues, we may well require more of a helping hand with getting around or doing some household jobs. But whatever our needs and […]
A simple guide to planning your retirement budget

Many of us look forward to retiring and taking life a little easier. But it’s important to plan ahead to ensure your finances give you the spending power you need to feel comfortable and financially secure – especially when you could need your pot to last many years. There are two kinds of pension you […]